Results for 'James Lee Lindon'

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  1.  63
    Evaluation of a bioethics committee intervention: A limitation of medical treatment form. [REVIEW]James Lee Lindon, Jolaine R. Draugalis, Kenneth V. Iserson & Stephen Joel Coons - 1996 - HEC Forum 8 (3):145-156.
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    Alterity in the Thought of Tanabe Hajime and Karl Rahner.James Lee Fredericks - 1988
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    The Market Economy: A Reader.James Doti & Dwight Lee - 1991 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The Market Economy: A Reader outlines the characteristics and philosophical underpinnings of the market economy and its usefulness in the allocation of resources. This anthology offers a comprehensive set of authentic, primary source selections that demonstrate how the tenets of classical economic liberalism provide the foundation for an efficient economic system--while also maximizing individual freedom. The readings also provide a structure for analyzing economic and philosophical issues. The book includes selections from several authors who are not economists but whose work (...)
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    Philosophy.James Lee Christian - 1973 - San Francisco,: Rinehart Press.
    This popular introductory text provides a unique set of teaching tools for instructors who prefer a synoptic approach. The text is visually appealing and reader friendly. The author accents his accessible writing with cartoons, quotations, and related findings from the social and physical sciences, reinforcing his conception of philosophy as the individual's attempt to unify disparate world views. The style of writing makes central philosophical concepts readily engaging to students. Interspersed biographies give the student a feeling for the lives of (...)
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    Studies in the Saenaennorae: Old Korean Poetry.James Hoyt & Peter H. Lee - 1961 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 81 (1):74.
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    Case Study: Seventy Ova.Allan Jacobs, James Dwyer & Peter H. Lee - 2001 - Hastings Center Report 31 (4):12.
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    Unbounding ELSI: The Ongoing Work of Centering Equity and Justice.Chessa Adsit-Morris, Rayheann NaDejda Collins, Sara Goering, James Karabin, Sandra Soo-Jin Lee & Jenny Reardon - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (7):103-105.
    ELSI efforts long have been troubled by critiques that they privilege scientific frameworks and grant scientists the power to set ethical agendas. As the first director of the Human Genome Project’...
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    Tips: The Child Voice.Mary Goetze, Terrence Bacon, Kristen Bugos, Shelley Cooper, Diana Dansereau, Elisabeth Etopio, Heather Gravelle, Lily Chen-Haftek, Deborah Hickel, Christina Hornbach, Yi-Ting Huang, James Jordan, Jooyoung Lee, Yu-Chen Lin, Sheryl May, Jennifer McDonel, Diane Persellin, Cynthia Lahr Timm, Lawrence Timm, Susan Waters, Wendy Valerio & Paula Van Houten (eds.) - 2010 - R&L Education.
    Packed with ideas designed to help children learn to sing, this booklet offers criteria for selecting songs, strategies to bring out the best in children's voices, and suggestions for games, ideas, and resources.
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    Readings in Humanist Sociology: Social Criticism and Social Change.Walda Katz Fishman, George C. Benello, C. George Benello, Joseph Fashing, David G. Gil, Ted Goertzel, James Kelly, Alfred McClung Lee, Robert Newby, David J. O'Brien, Victoria Rader, Sal Restivo, Jerold M. Starr, Richard S. Sterne & Michael Zenzen - 1986 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Humanist sociologists are activists rooted in the reality of history and change and guided by a concern for the 'real life' problems of equality, peace, and social justice. They view people as active shapers of social life, capable of creating societies in which everyone's potential can unfold. Alfred McClung Lee introduces this volume with 'Sociology: Humanist and Scientific' and develops the theme that a sociology that is humanist is also scientific. The other nine selections are grouped into four parts: 'The (...)
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    Racial Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Bioethics: Recommendations from the Association of Bioethics Program Directors Presidential Task Force.Sandra Soo-Jin Lee, Alexis Walker, Shawneequa L. Callier, Faith E. Fletcher, Charlene Galarneau, Nanibaa’ Garrison, Jennifer E. James, Renee McLeod-Sordjan, Ubaka Ogbogu, Nneka Sederstrom, Patrick T. Smith, Clarence H. Braddock & Christine Mitchell - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (10):3-14.
    Recent calls to address racism in bioethics reflect a sense of urgency to mitigate the lethal effects of a lack of action. While the field was catalyzed largely in response to pivotal events deeply rooted in racism and other structures of oppression embedded in research and health care, it has failed to center racial justice in its scholarship, pedagogy, advocacy, and practice, and neglected to integrate anti-racism as a central consideration. Academic bioethics programs play a key role in determining the (...)
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    Shaping Reception: Yves Congar's Reception of Johann Adam Möhler.James Ambrose Lee - 2016 - New Blackfriars 97 (1072):693-712.
  12. The manual of Yoga.James Lee-Richardson - 1956 - New York,: W. Foulshan.
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  13. Rationales for indirect speech: The theory of the strategic speaker.James J. Lee & Steven Pinker - 2010 - Psychological Review 117 (3):785-807.
    Speakers often do not state requests directly but employ innuendos such as Would you like to see my etchings? Though such indirectness seems puzzlingly inefficient, it can be explained by a theory of the strategic speaker, who seeks plausible deniability when he or she is uncertain of whether the hearer is cooperative or antagonistic. A paradigm case is bribing a policeman who may be corrupt or honest: A veiled bribe may be accepted by the former and ignored by the latter. (...)
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  14. A Comparison of the Effects of Ethics Training on International and US Students.T. H. Lee Williams, Shane Connelly, Michael D. Mumford, Alexandra E. MacDougall, Logan L. Watts, James F. Johnson & Logan M. Steele - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (4):1217-1244.
    As scientific and engineering efforts become increasingly global in nature, the need to understand differences in perceptions of research ethics issues across countries and cultures is imperative. However, investigations into the connection between nationality and ethical decision-making in the sciences have largely generated mixed results. In Study 1 of this paper, a measure of biases and compensatory strategies that could influence ethical decisions was administered. Results from this study indicated that graduate students from the United States and international graduate students (...)
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    Uncertainties When Applying the Mental Capacity Act in Dementia Research: A Call for Researcher Experiences.James Rupert Fletcher, Kellyn Lee & Suzanne Snowden - 2019 - Ethics and Social Welfare 13 (2):183-197.
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  16. Yoga for everyman.James Lee-Richardson - 1951 - London,: Duckworth.
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  17. Yoga.James Lee-Richardson - 1953 - New York,: W. Funk.
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  18. Representation and unexploited content.James Blackmon, David Byrd, Robert C. Cummins, Alexa Lee & Martin Roth - 2006 - In Graham Macdonald & David Papineau, Teleosemantics: New Philo-sophical Essays. New York: Oxford: Clarendon Press.
    In this paper, we introduce a novel difficulty for teleosemantics, viz., its inability to account for what we call unexploited content—content a representation has, but which the system that harbors it is currently unable to exploit. In section two, we give a characterization of teleosemantics. Since our critique does not depend on any special details that distinguish the variations in the literature, the characterization is broad, brief and abstract. In section three, we explain what we mean by unexploited content, and (...)
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  19.  92
    The Pragmatics of Metaphysical Explanation: An Epistemology of Grounding.James Lee - 2024 - Argumenta 19 (1):145-159.
    Explanation can be distinguished between linguistic practices and metaphysical relations. At least with respect to metaphysical explanation, some are skeptical that any knowledge gained via explanation qua linguistic practices confers knowledge of explanation qua metaphysical relation. I argue that this skepticism is unfounded. Engaging in the linguistic practice of explanation gives us no reason to skeptical in beliefs about corresponding metaphysical relations like causation or grounding. Moreover, those very linguistic practices can provide resources to justify beliefs in those relations. So, (...)
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  20.  60
    Teaching Component Skills in Philosophy.James Lee - 2023 - Teaching Philosophy 46 (4):467-489.
    This paper will argue for the teaching of component skills in philosophy. We can distinguish between complex and component skills. Component skills bear a kind of constitutive relation to complex skills. We observe this distinction at use in standard pedagogies related to activities like sports, music performance, and mathematics. The central thesis is that devoting pedagogical resources to the development of component skills, especially at introductory levels, promotes better learning outcomes with respect to complex philosophical skills. Aside from defending this (...)
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  21.  25
    Digit memory in Chinese and English: Evidence for a temporally limited store.James W. Stigler, Shin-Ying Lee & Harold W. Stevenson - 1986 - Cognition 23 (1):1-20.
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    Adrift in the gray zone: IRB perspectives on research in the learning health system.Sandra Soo-Jin Lee, Maureen Kelley, Mildred K. Cho, Stephanie Alessi Kraft, Cyan James, Melissa Constantine, Adrienne N. Meyer, Douglas Diekema, Alexander M. Capron, Benjamin S. Wilfond & David Magnus - 2016 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 7 (2):125-134.
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    Richard Bernstein’s Pragmatic Naturalism.C. W. James Lee - 2024 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 45 (1):91-133.
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  24.  34
    Subjective probability and decision strategy.Lee R. Beach & James A. Wise - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 79 (1p1):133.
  25.  22
    Changes in perceived effect of practice guidelines among primary care doctors.Lee Cheng, Linda Z. Nieman & James L. Becton - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (4):621-626.
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    Healthcare law and ethics: principles & practices.James Shing Ping Chiu, Albert Lee & Kar-wai Tong (eds.) - 2023 - Hong Kong: City university of Hong Kong press.
    Section One - Principles and concepts of healthcare law and ethics -- Section Two - Complaints, disciplinary proceedings and indemnity insurance -- Section Three - Confidentiality, disclosure and apologies -- Section Four - Alternative dispute resolution and relationship with colleagues -- Section Five - Liabilities beyond healthcare practices.
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    Two can play at this game: a dual-individuation account of games.James Lee - 2025 - Synthese 205 (1):1-23.
    This paper defends a theory of how it is that games are identical both at a time and over time. I argue that this view is an improvement over the account that Michael Ridge defends in his paper “Individuating Games”. This improvement involves a distinction between two kinds of individuation: constitutive individuation and relational individuation. I argue that this distinction does a better job at solving the various puzzles that are related to the synchronic and diachronic identity of games. I (...)
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  28.  81
    Mission Possible: Do School Mission Statements Work?James H. Davis, John A. Ruhe, Monle Lee & Ujvala Rajadhyaksha - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 70 (1):99-110.
    Does ethical content in organizational mission statements make a difference? Research regarding the effectiveness and results of mission statements is mixed. Krohe (1995, Across the board, 32, 17–21) concluded that much of the good results do not come from the mission statements themselves but from the strategic re-education that happens in producing one. We attempted to discover whether universities that explicitly state their ethical orientation and vision in their mission statements had students with higher perceived character trait importance and activities (...)
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  29.  44
    ‘One in the One Shepherd’: St. Augustine and Pastoral Ministry.James K. Lee - 2022 - Heythrop Journal 63 (2):232-244.
    The Heythrop Journal, Volume 63, Issue 2, Page 232-244, March 2022.
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    (1 other version)The Peculiarly Favored Condition of Genetics.James J. Lee & Damien Morris - 2024 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 31 (4):441-445.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Peculiarly Favored Condition of GeneticsJames J. Lee, PhD (bio) and Damien Morris, MSc (bio)Turkheimer and Greer (2024) (henceforth “T&G”) make some fair points about problems in the scientific profession, including the regrettable tendency to promise practical applications of research that then never materialize. However, T&G’s sustained critique of a body of work associated with one particular researcher to make these general points struck us as uncharitable. More pressingly, (...)
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  31. Comprehension of a simplified assent form in a vaccine trial for adolescents: Table 1.Sonia Lee, Bill G. Kapogiannis, Patricia M. Flynn, Bret J. Rudy, James Bethel, Sushma Ahmad, Diane Tucker, Sue Ellen Abdalian, Dannie Hoffman, Craig M. Wilson & Coleen K. Cunningham - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (6):410-412.
    Introduction Future HIV vaccine efficacy trials with adolescents will need to ensure that participants comprehend study concepts in order to confer true informed assent. A Hepatitis B vaccine trial with adolescents offers valuable opportunity to test youth understanding of vaccine trial requirements in general. Methods Youth reviewed a simplified assent form with study investigators and then completed a comprehension questionnaire. Once enrolled, all youth were tested for HIV and confirmed to be HIV-negative. Results 123 youth completed the questionnaire (mean age=15 (...)
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  32. Socratic Dialogue Outside the Classroom.James Lee - 2018 - Teaching Philosophy 41 (1):45-63.
    Socratic dialogue is widely recognized as an effective teaching tool inside of the classroom. In this paper I will argue that Socratic dialogue is also a highly effective teaching tool outside of the classroom. I will argue that Socratic dialogue is highly effective outside of the classroom because it is a form of learning based assessment. I will also show how instructors can use technology like email to implement Socratic dialogue as a form of teaching and assessment, and thus offer (...)
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    Conviction Narrative Theory and the Theory of Narrative Thought.Lee Roy Beach & James A. Wise - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e84.
    Conviction Narrative Theory bears a close resemblance to the Theory of Narrative Thought, although the two were designed to address different questions. In this commentary, we detail some of the more pronounced similarities and differences and suggest that resolving the latter could produce a third theory of narrative cognition that is superior to either of these two.
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    Probability learning: Response proportions and verbal estimates.Lee Roy Beach, Richard M. Rose, Yutaka Sayeki, James A. Wise & William B. Carter - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 86 (2):165.
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    Minimal rationality.Lee Spector & James Hendler - 1989 - Artificial Intelligence 39 (1):137-139.
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    Babylon Becomes Jerusalem.James K. Lee - 2016 - Augustinian Studies 47 (2):157-180.
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    Increase in frequency of the alpha rhythm by verbal stimulation.Lee Edward Travis & James P. Egan - 1938 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 23 (4):384.
  38.  6
    Critical Thinking as Conceptual Competence in advance.James Lee - forthcoming - Teaching Philosophy.
    This paper presents a novel approach to teaching critical thinking. The approach centers around developing the student’s ability to engage in analytic reasoning. By “analytic” in the previous sentence I mean reasoning about analyticity, i.e., coming to know truths about analytic propositions as opposed to synthetic propositions. I consider the ability to engage in this kind of reasoning to be what some philosophers call “conceptual competence”. I argue that focusing on conceptual competence in critical thinking courses benefits philosophy departments in (...)
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    Babylon Becomes Jerusalem in advance.James K. Lee - forthcoming - Augustinian Studies.
  40.  23
    Emergency Department Visits for Firearm-Related Injuries among Youth in the United States, 2006–2015.Victor Lee, Catherine Camp, Vikram Jairam, Henry S. Park & James B. Yu - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (S4):67-73.
    Firearm injuries are a significant public health problem. Prior studies have analyzed firearm death data or adult firearm injury data, but few studies have analyzed firearm injury data specifically among youth. To inform the current debate surrounding gun policy in the United States, this study aims to provide an estimate of the immense burden of youth firearm injury and its associated risk factors. Therefore, we performed a descriptive analysis of the Nationwide Emergency Department Sample, the largest all-payer emergency department database (...)
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  41. HIV, medical science and the call to greater humanness.James Lees - 2019 - In Jan Visser & Muriel Visser, Seeking Understanding: The Lifelong Pursuit to Build the Scientific Mind. Boston: Brill | Sense.
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    Physics in 50 milestone moments: a timeline of scientific landmarks.James Lees - 2017 - New York, NY: Metro Books.
    A lively, accessible, and thought-provoking introduction to physics, its history, and its practitioners.
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    The religion of science.James Wideman Lee - 1912 - New York,: Fleming H. Revell Co..
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  44. Unanticipated intimacies: A collective writing experiment.Joo Yun Lee, Katja Kwastek, Chris Lee, Virginia MacKenny, Kyveli Mavrokordopoulou, Jacqueline Hoàng Nguyên, Jennifer Pranolo, Lize van Robbroeck, Pippa Skotnes, James Webb & Carine Zaayman - 2021 - In Helen Westgeest, Kitty Zijlmans & Thomas J. Berghuis, Mix & stir: new outlooks on contemporary art from global perspectives. Amsterdam: Valiz.
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    Jewish Ceremonial Art and Religious ObservancePerspectives on the Study of the FilmAnimals in Art and ThoughtJohn Crowe Ransom, Critical Principles and Preoccupations.Lee T. Lemon, Abram Kanof, John Stuart Katz, Francis Klingender, E. Antal, J. Harthan & James A. Magner - 1972 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 30 (4):569.
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  46. Pope Benedict XVI and Modernity: A Patristic Theologian's Perspective.James K. Lee - 2017 - Nova et Vetera 15 (1).
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    Salience-driven overestimation of total somatosensory stimulation.Lee Walsh, James Critchlow, Brianna Beck, Antonio Cataldo, Lieke de Boer & Patrick Haggard - 2016 - Cognition 154:118-129.
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  48. Fictions in Tort.James Lee - 2015 - In William Twining & Maksymilian Del Mar, Legal Fictions in Theory and Practice. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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  49.  86
    A Buddhist Perspective on Industrial Engineering and the Design of Work.Wei-Tau Lee, James A. Blumenthal & I. I. Kenneth H. Funk - 2014 - Science and Engineering Ethics 20 (2):551-569.
    The modern way of life is highly dependent upon the production of goods by industrial organizations that are in turn dependent upon their workers for their ongoing operations. Even though more than a century has passed since the dawn of the industrial revolution, many dangerous aspects of work, both physical and mental, remain in the workplace today. Using Buddhist philosophical principles, this paper suggests that although many sources of the problem reside within the larger society, the industrial engineer is still (...)
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    Genomic data can illuminate the architecture and evolution of cognitive abilities.James J. Lee & Christopher F. Chabris - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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